Isodynamics REVIVER

Isodynamics REVIVER

Product Design + Engineering + Production


REVIVER is a range of exercise machines, developed for Australian startup Isodynamics, that use gravity to benefit movement and health. D+I was engaged by Isodynamics to design and engineer two devices employing the REVIVER concept — the A.D.A.M and the E.V.E.

Both machines combine isometric exercise techniques (a form of exercise involving static contraction of a muscle without visible joint movement) with dynamic movement in a single motion. The Isodynamics exercise devices are truly innovative, having been granted 32 worldwide patents.


A.D.A.M and E.V.E

A.D.A.M (Angular Dynamic Axial Motion) is the manual version of the REVIVER. Designed for those who like to take control of their workout, A.D.A.M is able to deliver a near effortless full body workout in as little as three minutes.

E.V.E (Electro Vestibular Exercise) is an automatic version of the REVIVER machine created for use in rehabilitation, or with the elderly or infirm. E.V.E allows all age groups to receive the health benefits of a gentle, safe and comfortable workout.