KORE Geosystems
Research, Concept, Development + Production
SPECTOR is a geological core logging and analysis system developed for use in exploratory core drilling in the mining sector. It uses high-resolution imaging, intuitive software and cloud-based artificial intelligence to improve the speed, consistency and quality of geological data capture — allowing geologists and engineers to spend less time acquiring data and more interpreting it.
Designed for harsh conditions.
SPECTOR is a high-resolution instrument built on a robust platform designed to withstand the harsh conditions, dust and temperature extremes found on drilling sites. When fully assembled SPECTOR weighs over 400kg, so shipping considerations were integral to the design — from the strengthened forklift points to the reinforced internal chassis for the sensitive lighting and optical capture system.
Optimised usability.
SPECTOR employs Artificial Intelligence (using custom software and cloud-based AI) to predict the geological attributes of scanned samples. The user interface is built around a large touchscreen display, ergonomically mounted on an articulated arm, for viewing and logging of core scans. Due to the heavy and repetitive loads involved when loading and unloading core samples, D+I undertook usability research using VR simulations to optimise SPECTOR’s user-interface and ergonomics for user safety.
Disruptive impact.
SPECTOR has the potential to have a disruptive impact on mining geology. Its ability to scan an average of 1000 meters of core per day, plus the benefits of having geologists spend more time analysing samples than manually capturing and logging them, offers substantial cost benefits for the mining industry. SPECTOR also improves the consistency and accuracy of core logging, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions from their exploration.