Nose Studio

Bespoke Medical Innovations

ApneaSeal™ Nose Studio


Research, Concept, Development + Production


Nose Studio

Nose Studio employs innovative face mapping technology to capture data that can be used to create a precise 3D face mask for the treatment of sleep apnea. The face mapping process captures over 20,000 data points of the nose to allow a very precise, custom mask to be developed for each patient.

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User friendly and scalable.

D+I worked closely with Bespoke Medical Innovations engineers to package their innovative facial mapping technology into a user friendly and scalable point of sale device. Nose Studio can be easily deployed, with minimal set-up required — it's possible to complete the facial mapping procedure in just a few minutes.

Nose Studio
Nose Studio

Superior comfort.

The facial mapping process captures the unique contours of each face, with thousands of rendered scans and face morphology being used to develop a mask specifically for each patient. A simple user interface allows data to be captured quickly and then transmitted to Sleep Optimisation Scientists who use it to develop the custom face mask.